All Things New
Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. (Revelation 21:1)
A day is coming when hurts will be history, when sorrows will subside forever, when death will disappear into obscurity, when tears no longer will trickle down a troubled face, and when mortality will give way to immortality. A day is coming when there will be no more physical or emotional pain and no more brokenness in the world, there will be no more broken bodies, broken hearts, broken relationships, and broken lives. A day is coming when God will make all things new.
In the first two chapters of the Bible, we see how God created the first heaven and the first earth, prepared for the first man and the first woman. God prepared a perfect and beautiful place for them to live called the Garden of Eden, where even God could be found walking in the cool of the day. Unfortunately, the first sin was committed in this same place, bringing death into the world and thereby vandalizing God’s creation. What followed this fall of man were the preparation, reception, and continued proclamation of the redemptive work of God through Jesus Christ. All of this leads us to the final two chapters of the Bible, where God’s original intentions for the creation are fully and finally realized.
In order to properly understand the Bible and live lives that glorify God, we must never lose sight of God’s big picture. “In the beginning” (Genesis 1:1) gives us the context for creation. “For God so loved the world” (John 3:16) gives us the redemptive plan for God’s creation, and “Behold I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5) provides the culmination of creation.
One of the best ways to live a life that honors God and works toward accomplishing all that He has planned for your life is by living in light of heaven. If you are not looking forward to life in eternity, then you are reducing your ability to be effective for God today. The Bible tells us that we are to be looking ahead and living for heaven because “there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20 MSG). This heavenly reminder keeps us motivated to share the hope of heaven with others and keeps our eyes off the hardships found here on earth, as we wait patiently for the new heaven and new earth.
A day is coming when body and soul will be as God had always intended. A day is coming when sin will no longer bind. A day is coming when creation will be as the Creator intended, and we will dwell in the brightest light imaginable as we live in the light of God’s glory, as we rejoice in His holiness forever, and as we see Him face to face. A day is coming when God will make all things new!
Looking ahead to all the possibilities that a New Year has to offer keep God’s big picture in mind as you live out each new day.
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