A Rock Song
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.” (2 Samuel 22:2 NIV)
We are weaker than we are willing to admit, and God is stronger than we are able to comprehend! We are easily moved, yet God is immovable. We are unsteady, yet God is unshakable.
Do you currently feel as though your life is on shaky ground? Do you feel like your strength is nearly gone and you are on the brink of giving up? Then today is a perfect day to remember that God is your rock, your refuge, and your strength.
Music often grabs our attention, captures our emotions, and inspires our imaginations, and in the Bible, no one enjoyed music more than King David. Music was the instrument of expression for this man after God’s own heart. He wrote countless songs that trumpeted the heights of his love for God, and he also sang psalms that sounded the depths of his soul’s despair. His words resonate deeply with us today because an emotional and spiritual harmony is shared through our mutual struggles, fears, and joys.
Here in 2 Samuel 22 (and in Psalm 18), David wrote a “rock” song of thanksgiving that summed up his life and relationship with God. David praised God for who He is. David recognized and lifted his voice to God his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer. David was well acquainted with anxiety and often found himself on shaky ground, but God had been a stronghold for David, and when David cried out to God in his times of distress, God delivered him. After David was delivered from the hand of Saul and all the enemies of Israel, he sang this song of praise to God for His deliverance.
God was a refuge for David, and He is a refuge for His people today. He is a shelter, a stronghold, and a safe place to run to for all who trust in Him. He is a firm foundation upon which we can stand and upon whom we can build our lives. As much as we need to recognize these truths, we must also go beyond the mere realization that God is all these things and more to His people. We must also personalize these truths. Ask yourself this: Is God my rock? Is God my fortress? Is God my deliverer? The best way to move from the realization that these things are true to the personalization that they are true for you, is to consider the words of Jesus: “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock” (Matthew 7:24 NLT).
When your life is built on Jesus, you can trust Him to be a rock in shaky times, a fortress in hard times, and a deliverer in fearful times. Build your life on the solid rock of Jesus, because there is no rock like our rock, and there is no God like our God!
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